The mountain guiding team of Flory Kern

A key factor for a successfull, eventful and most of all safe skiing trip are motivated and highly qualified guides, who´s passion is skiing and sharing the mountains with others. All our mountain guides are state approved UIAGM guides and are excited to ski with you.

Flory Kern

State-approved mountain and skiing guide, founder and director of Flory Kern Ski Berge Abenteuer. Out of season you sometimes come across Flory in the office, but once the season has started Flory loves to show the finest powder and the best freeride spots around the globe to his guests and friends.

Matthias Knaus

Matthias has a diploma in Geography and he is in love with nature and all kind of outdoorsports. His spirit to discover new terrain and his accurcacy in planning his activities are his keyskills. You can be sure he will be 100% prepared for his trip and that everything will work out smoothly.

Andi Millinger

For more than 15 years Andi travels to the most remote skiareas and prefers to ski in places where no one else is. During spring time he usually guides in the high north of Norway in the Lyngen Alps and he is also involved in our heliski operations. If he is not skiing he likes to climb or bike.  All our clients love to ski with Andi, as its alway lots of fun.

Remo Baltermia

Remo is right from the heart of Central Switzerland, from Engelberg. Funny enough, we are ski buddies already since 30 years. Remo is not only a very good skier and winter guide, he also works as a full time professional mountain guide in the summer and takes his clients through challenging alpine routes all over the Alps. Remo is also a good entertainer, when he pulls out an old guitar to play some great blues songs.

Christoph Garber

Chris did spend his childhood in the beautiful Zillertaler mountains, however only at the age of 17 he discovered alpinism as his passion. Shortly after he decided to make a living out of his passion and got a state approved UIAGM mountain and ski guide at the age of 22 and therewith is one of the youngest guides of Austria. Chris is not just a great skier, but also a very open and positive person and we are very happy to welcome him to our team.

Christian Cesa

Christian grew up in the Dolomites and so the love of climbing was practically instilled in him. Later, when he moved to the Aosta Valley, he became a ski patroller in La Thuile and devoted himself more and more to skiing. Today, Christian is a true all-round thoroughbred alpinist and has been a professional mountain guide for 20 years. His friendly nature and Italian lifestyle make him a very pleasant companion on the mountain and we are happy to have him on our team since 2022.

Florian Hellberg

Flo is a multi talent. He likes anything that slides on snow, but mostly prefers to cruise down in deep powder on his skis. If he is not on skis you will find him climbing on some of the hardest routes of the Alps. As a certified physicist he also works in the institute of the DAV to test climbing materials. Flo is a highly accuarate and professional guide.

Raphael Eiter

Raphael´s father and grandfather have been mountainguides and therefore it was clear to him pretty early that Raphael will be a mountainguide himself. With 23 years he was a UIAGM-mountainguide already and can look back on a lot of experience already despite his rather young age. He was working as a Heliskiguide in Canada for 3 years and is an excellent skier. Besides his high professional skills we really like his open and humorous character and we are happy to have him in our team.

Christian Kohler

Christl Kohler lives in Klein Walsertal, right away he felt super comfortable in our guide team. He has proved his absolute professionality while guiding with us in unknown Heliski areas and this is where a guide can show his real skills.

Shanty Cipolli

Born in the Aosta Valley in northwestern Italy, Shanty discovered his passion for skiing at an early age. After a few years in the ski club and after completing his training as a ski instructor, he turned to the world of ski cross, where he made it into the Italian national team. Over time he then discovered his love for freeriding: he collected several podium places and several placements in the top 10 of the Freeride World Tour!

Today, as a mountain guide, he loves to share his passion for snow with his guests and to experience the fascination of freeriding together.

Ivan Pegorari


Ivan Pegorari is a local from Valmalenco in northern Italy. Ivan is always ready to joke around, but still takes his work as a professional mountain guide more than serious. It is a true enrichment to have him in our team of mountain guides. Especially it is a great value to have a local guide with us running our Heliski trips in Italy.

Emanuel Pali

Emi was born with mountaineering. He has been a passionate climber since he was a child and was always at the forefront of climbing competitions. As a young adult, he began working as a mechanical engineer and designer, but spent every free minute outdoors to recharge his batteries. Emi has lived in the Zillertal since 2011 and completed mountain rescue training there. In 2018 he decided to become a mountain guide and began his training. He has been a full-time mountain guide since 2021 and is part of our team. We and our guests appreciate his calm and patient nature and his pronounced safety awareness on the mountain.

Bernhard Freinademetz

Bernhard – also called Bezi – is the son of an “old” family of mountaineers. Right after he was able to walk on his own feet his family took him to the mountains. After spending so many years in the mountains Bezi was sure he wants to be a professional mountain guide. On top he founded, a company that is dedicated to outdoor photography and filming. Bezi is absolutely passionate about the mountains and for sure someone like him cannot miss in our team.

Johannes Jähn

Like so many other mountaineers Hannes discovered his passion for the alpine already when he was young. Born in 1982 and raised in Ellwangen, he already climbed many mountains of the Alps as a kid. When he was an adult he combined his studies with his mountain guiding courses. Though Hannes is an engineer, today he works as a full time professional mountain guide. He is based in Nesselwang in the beautiful moutains of the Allgäu, however most of his time he spends in the mighty peaks of the Western Alps. His big passion is freeriding and skitouring, however he is also always in for a rock-climbing trip! 

Michael Ziegler

Born and raised in the Northern Black Forest, Michael was standing on skis for the first time already at the age of three and practiced skiing on a small slope right behind his parent´s house. Over the next years his parents took him to the mountains and obviously he got infected with climbing, mountaineering and skiing. He became a state approved mountain and skiing guide in 2002 and since that time he is leading guests on a profesional base. His main motivation doing so is to get to know new interesting people and to share his passion and fascination for the mountains with them.

Manfred "Brandy" Brandacher

Brandy was born in Fügen in the Zillertal and has been skiing since he was three years old. At the age of 15 he switched to snowboarding and successfully participated in international competitions as a freestyle snowboarder for 10 years. It wasn't until he was in his twenties that he realized more and more that his true passion was freeriding and alpinism. So the training to become a mountain guide was obvious and today Brandy leads his guests through the mountains with a lot of fun and passion - whether on skis or on a board!

Alexander Blümel

Alex grew up in Mötz, a small village in the Austrian Inn Valley, and discovered the fascination for climbing and skiing at a very young age. After training as a communications engineer, he became a state-certified mountain guide at the age of 20 and continues to practice this profession with great passion and professionalism to this day. His job as a mountain guide has taken him halfway around the world; from Alaska to the Himalayas, he has already been able to fulfill numerous mountaineering dreams. In addition to extreme alpinism, Alex loves to experience wonderful days of skiing in the mountains with our guests.

Robert Stöckel

Robert loves the mountains and the snow and is a bit of a globetrotter. He began working as a ski guide in Austria at a young age. He then moved to Canada, where he worked as a ski guide and freeride trainer for four years. Meanwhile, he trained to become a Canadian heli ski guide and avalanche technician. He then moved halfway around the world to Japan, where he worked as a backcountry ski guide for three winters and showed countless guests the legendary sushi powder. Eventually he moved back to the Alps and today Robi lives and works in Davos.

The office team

Dagmar Kern

Dagmar pulls the strings in the office. Thanks to many years of experience, she knows the answer to almost every question and if not, she will certainly find out for you. And whenever Dagmar is not working in the office she is following her second profesional passion, the emergency medicine in the hospital. During her free time she loves to be out on her mountainbike or living the surfers dream. 

Tim Knab

Tim loves to be out on his mountainbike riding the best trails all over, however whenever he is at home when can count on his many years of travel experience all around the globe. Besides of countless runs in the Alps he skied the volcanoes of Chile and has been in Norway and Swanetia with us.