Flory Kern trusts following brands

A strong Partner

Since many years the products of Scott are my faithful companion. Scott constructs skis exactly the way I like them to be and they simply feel great in any kind of snow and terrain. I swear on the fit of their skiing boots and clothing. Innovation and high quality are very important for me when guiding around the globe. During the summer season we exclusively rides Scott bikes and are simply excited by them...so much fun!


The Allrounder

A revolution in the pin-binding sector! For me Fritschi bindigns are a come-together of safety, comfort and the best performance when it comes to power transmission. A true milestone is the developement of the Fritschi Tecton, a hybrid binding that leaves no wish open.


High Performance Wax

For all snow conditions we simply trust on the great product range of Holmenkol.


Premium Quality for the Emergency

We have tested the products of Pieps intensively and are absolutely convinced of the quality of the shovels, probes and transceivers. When it comes to safety we are not willing to make any compromises, therefore we have chosen the best partner on the market for us. 40 years of experience and knowledge in the developement and production of safety products, state of the art technology and unconditional, hands-on reliabilty speak for Pieps.



Our longstanding Travel Partner

As a provider of worldwide skitrips our guides and guests need to fly in all kind of diffrent countries. Since many years we book our flights through Neuner Reiseservice and benefit from their experience and competence.


A huge choice of Scott Bikes and year long experience

The bike shop Schulz has a huge choice of Scott bikes and offers excellent service and consultation. This is the Scott dealer of our choice, not just due to the close proximity.
