Outward Journey & Flights

How do I book my flight? What do I have to bear in mind?

With the travel documents you will receive a flight recommendation from us with destination airport and arrival time. Please book your flight yourself via the Internet or a travel agency then and send us your flight details.


When does a trip start and when does it end?

For trips abroad the journey starts at the described meeting point (airport, train station, etc.) and finish again at the described place. Of course, you can also extend your journey individually. 

Can I carry my airbag system without hassle on my flight?

Unfortunately, despite clear recommendations and guidelines (IATA) there are always difficulties with ABS systems when traveling by air. Depending on airlines and / or airports (especially the airport staff), it often seems arbitrary whether one can easily manage carrying this equipment. Sometimes difficulties arise, even loss is possible. We recommend to attach the IATA table 2.3.A to your backpacker. This table can be downloaded here.
Our experience has shown that the latest electric operated fan system (for example Scott Patrol E1) can be carried with way less troubles. 

Is there a chance of carpooling when traveling by car?

Generally we do not offer it. For cost and environmental reasons, however, the formation of carpools is recommended. Just in time before the start of your journey, you will receive a list of participants so you can contact the other travel participants regarding carpooling.